Rose Age 8
Thanksgiving weekend 2020 my, then eight year old, daughter Rose and I delivered meals
to a homeless encampment here in Atlanta.
This was not an uncommon activity for us as we had done something similar several times before.
A few of the people asked if we had blankets, or coats, because the temperature was steadily dropping.
After giving away the two that we usually kept in the car for family outings my daughter, with tears in her eyes, asked if could we get more.
Our family had been devastatingly affected by the Covid pandemic and we didn't have much money, however her request was hard to turn down. At her insistence we used our Christmas savings and purchased items desperately needed such as blankets, coats and food.
After also gathering information on nearby shelters and other resources in the community we returned to the encampment and passed out the supplies and information.
The people were so very grateful for the items and resources!
With a huge smile on her face Rose asked if we could do it again the next weekend and thus Blessing Bags of Warmth began.
As of January 2023 we have served an estimated 5,000 individuals in need around Atlanta, Decatur, South Fulton and BEYOND!
Please read on to see how YOU can be a part of keeping Roses' dream of HELPING alive!